A very strange story happened the other day in Steam. An unknown attacker hacked the account of a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player, and stole a collection of extremely rare skins. According to streamer ohnePixel, this collection is considered the most expensive of the entire community game: its value is estimated at two million dollars.

The hacker gained access to the account and began to sell skins in bulk. Apparently, Valve has already started to investigate the incident: the players report that some users who bought the stolen items have been temporarily blocked, while other skins simply disappeared from the inventory. Reporters from PCGamesN tried to check this story and asked for comment from Valve, but have not yet received a reply.

The skin collection is considered the most expensive for a reason, as it included several very rare items. So, he owned seven souvenir AWP Dragon Lore and a Karambit with no star, which is considered one of the rarest in the game.