Anubis map, which recently appeared in the competitive pool of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, broke a long-term trend. According to this trend, teams playing for the anti-terrorist unit won slightly more often than their opponents.

The balance of maps in CS:GO takes into account the fact that it is somewhat easier to defend a bombing point than to attack it. The latter requires players to make a slightly more coordinated effort. In this regard, the winning percentage on the iconic Dust2 map was 50.9% for special forces and 49.1% for the terrorist team. Sometimes the skew towards the “defenders” was even more pronounced. On the Nuke map, for example, the anti-terrorist units won 54.2% of the matches.

However, Anubis bucked that trend, becoming the only one of eight popular maps on which bomb-layers took the statistical lead. They win 51.5% of the time. But the developers will probably still have time to make a number of adjustments to bring back the slight advantage of special forces.