Team shooter Counter-Strike: Global Offensive from Valve remains popular largely because of the huge range of cosmetic items and the ability to sell them at a bargain price. While many game studios are trying to cash in on NFT sales and the new cryptocurrency, CS:GO players are selling skins for half a million dollars without any extra technology.

In the market of skins for the game’s weapons, CS:GO has long been a lucrative business. The user with the nickname Luksusbums decided to take advantage of this opportunity, putting up for sale a 661 ST MW 4xTT holo skin for AK-47. The starting price of this skin was $400,000. The skin also includes four Titan Holo stickers, each of which usually costs around $60,000. This explains such a high final price of the skin.

The cost of skins in a CS:GO game can fluctuate depending on various factors such as rarity, popularity, and others. Therefore, it is possible that this skin will find its buyer willing to pay such a large amount for it.

The seller of the skin bought it in 2021 for $150,000. Now he wants to sell it for almost three times as much. If Luksusbums sells the skin, it will be one of the most expensive items sold in shooters’ history.